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South Islands Aquatic Stewardship Society


SIASS is a non-profit organization that advocates for the Aquatic Resources. SIASS started in 1998 as the South Vancouver Island’s regional delivery partner for Fisheries Renewal BC’s, Salmonid Renewal Program (SRP). On behalf of FsRBC the Society allocated funds to local organizations and individuals that carry out salmon-related projects. The SIASS region extends from Port Renfrew to Sidney and includes the Southern Gulf Islands and adjacent marine areas. 


From the SIASS Constitution


  •  SIASS is a grass roots, community-based, registered non-profit society set up, in part, to facilitate communication and planning among local individuals, organizations and government agencies involved in fisheries-related work.


  •  Many SIASS members are affiliated with local fisheries organizations. The SIASS constitution requires members to:​

       ~ work together as equals with respect and openness,

       ~ work toward sustainability, recognizing the finite nature of the ecosystem,

       ~ work with commitment to resolve conflict and to share responsibility, and 

       ~ to learn and promote a local stewardship ethic.​


  •  Membership is free, open to the public and subject to board approval.


  •  Members are required to acknowledge and demonstrate a willingness to work within the SIASS constitution.


  •  Members are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process. (board meetings, committee work, etc.)


  • SIASS solicits and considers proposals from members and non-members.




  • Conserve, restore, protect and actively participate in managing aquatic ecosystems in the Region;


  • Develop partnerships between all concerned with the restoration, conservation, protection and management of aquatic ecosystems in the region;


  • Educate and empower the local community to exercise responsible aquatic stewardship, management and renewal of aquatic ecosystems in the Region;


  • Prepare and respond to policies that impact aquatic resources in the Region;


  • Facilitate the development of committees, co-operatives, corporations and/or other organizations to undertake certain management functions in conjunction with the Society;


  • Communicate to communities, industry, the federal, provincial, and local governments, and the general public about the work of the Society and provide a public information function consistent with the Society's purposes;


  • Promote sustainable community economic development, sustainable employment and diversification initiatives in the Region;


  • Respect, preserve and develop the knowledge of First Nations, communities, fishers, individuals, and our governments;


  • Foster and facilitate cooperation and communication between groups working in watersheds and the marine ecosystem;


  • Partner, on a not for profit basis, with other organizations undertaking aquatic management responsibilities or activities outside the Region in order to achieve the Society’s vision, principles and purposes.


Other Working Guidelines


The principles of participation state that Society members and staff will:


  • Ensure accountable representation based on open and frequent communication with constituent members;


  • Provide all knowledge, information, and viewpoints relevant to the purposes and activities of the Society;


  • Make positive, supportive comments and actions when communicating about the Society, its vision principles, purposes and its process, unless she/he has expressed reservations to the Society as a whole;


  • Respect the different views and interests presented by other members and express disagreement constructively;


  • Focus on the vision, principles and purposes of the Society rather than self or sectorial interests.


Board of Directors

The directors will, whenever possible, be comprised of representatives from:


First Nations                                           Environmental                 

Owner Operators                                     Sport Commercial

Fisheries Labour                                      Recreational Angler

Educational                                             Science/Research

Processors                                              Aquaculture Operators

Enhancement/Streamkeepers                    Landowners


Name:         Position:        Affiliation:


  1. James Hamly                  President                         Hamly Environmental Technology

  2. Jim McIsaac                    Secretary                         T-Buck Suzuki Foundation

  3. John Foster                    Treasurer                          Accountant

  4. Kathy Reimer                  Director                           Island Stream & Enhancement Society

  5. Michael Corry                  Director                           MSc;  RPBio (ret.)                        

  6. Sara Stallard                   Director                           Fish-Kissing Weasels Environmental

  7. Chris Bos                       Director                           Southern Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition



South Islands Aquatic Stewardship Society

 1149 Mason St.

Victoria, B.C.

V8T 1A5


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